Sunday, November 22, 2009

Playin it up... begining to end

Ireland finished soccer for the year. It was so fun watching her this year! She especially excelled @ goalie, making numerous awesome stops on the ball. She is unsure about next season talking seriously about wanting to join a drama troop instead -which we all know she would undoubtedly be a natural @. Today was the last day of a 2 day tourney for the league. They played @ the new Snohomish Co. High school called glacier peak, this school had an amazing view, I can only imagine how beautiful it would be if the weather was not so grey.

On Thursday Alex's play (Cinderella) opened! It was something the entire middle school cast was working hard for after school @ least twice a week, for the last 3 months. Alex was really cute, great, talented, amazing, perfect... anyway I' am proud. We really appreciate everyone who came & supported Alex, it was really a blessing to share. We are looking forward to the upcoming spring play tryouts.