Monday, November 2, 2009

milk n cookies

Well, even after bringing the leftover 80 sugar cookies to my mom's, for everyone to decorate I still ended up with what seems like a ton more +extra dough... I decided to make mini fruit pizzas. I followed a new recipe that has fluff mixed w/ cream cheese... I honestly prefer the plain cream cheese, vanilla & sugar recipe better. They are pretty though & I hope my community group enjoys them & EATS THEM ALL.

Today @ baby reading group (@ the library) Mel ventured off to play for the first time. So far, she has always enjoyed everything from my lap or close to it. As soon as they dumped out the toys, off she went. I was so proud; then a wave of sadness also passed through me about it. She is growing soooo fast (:

So little Ms. Mel Veil is better today after being stung on her nose on Saturday @ the soccer game. The swelling of her eye is almost completely down. Thank God we were obviously frightened @ the time. Come to find out you are never allergic to anything the first time your body experiences it.
I wanted to post this not so great picture of her having her breakfast. I think this is a genius way to let her have her breakfast. She always wakes up starving. As she feeds her itty bitty self with relatively little mess, I enjoy my coffee & granola (occasionally I even shower, aaah). We are both better off after this!

This was a fun project, that had me looking @ things in a different way. I took these @ my moms house mostly outside. I look forward to doing this with the kids soon, I will post them as well!